Screening Tips for Volunteer Managers

Recruiting VolunteersPre-screening volunteers is vital to the safety of non profit organizations’ (NPOs) finances, clients, staff, and volunteer base. How can NPOs make screening volunteers a regular practice?  It’s simple: think like a for-profit company, and “hire” your volunteers as if you were hiring a paid employee.

First, write a job description for each volunteer position. Clarifying expectations and duties is highly beneficial for both the organization and volunteers.

Don’t hesitate to let potential volunteers know that the organization requires volunteer screening, and to what extent. Send a clear signal to clients, supporters, volunteers, and the community that you are serious about safety and professionalism.

If you don’t already, create a volunteer application, along with an authorization to conduct background screening. Have the potential volunteer sign and date both.

Interview volunteers. Formal interviews will increase the quality of your volunteers, enable you to place them in the ideal position, and determine if the NPO and volunteer are a good fit for each other.

Ask for—and follow up on—references. Just as when hiring an employee, you can learn a great deal—good or bad—about an applicant’s character, work habits, and personality by speaking to their references.

Once the volunteer has passed all of these steps, submit their information to a qualified, professional background screening service provider.

After the volunteer comes aboard, institute a probationary time, when both you and the volunteer observe and learn about each other. Provide adequate training on duties, expectations, policies, and procedures. Help your volunteers succeed!

Conduct feedback sessions. Just as you would do performance checks with employees, check in with volunteers to see how they are doing, what they need to perform their job well, and what suggestions they have.

Recruiting volunteers is like hiring employees. Do your homework and proceed with caution prior to bringing them on. Then show them appreciation and give constructive advice, and they will thrive in your organization.

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